michael's bookshelves

for you to enjoy

As you are walking through the dark vaults of the castle, you see a glimmer in the distance. You approach it and notice it is a book floating open in mid-air. What do you do?

Here are a selection of e-texts, which are very interesting to read. I'll try to include e-texts of all types, but this is still under construction. You can either look at the contents below, or browse yourself shelf by shelf...

Ancient Texts Classics Student's Refuge Fairy Tales from all parts of the world Modern Masterpieces Aleister Crowley Kaballah Music Lyrics Poetry


or else browse the shelves yourselves....
if you dare!!!


In this section you will find Ancient texts from several cultures. These texts contain several ideas still valid till today, and thus they have passed the test of time. From Egypt to China to Babylon, here are the texts...

Delving deeper into the library, at this point you find a secret passage to a more complete set of ancient texts.


Some good old books that have passed the test of time. And some others that have only been overrated.

Delving deeper into the library, at this point you find a secret passage to a more complete set of classics.


Not being a studious one, I always desperately needed notes before exams... here are some online notes for your emergencies. ;)

Delving deeper into the library, at this point you find a secret passage to a more complete set of notes.

***FAIRY TALES from all parts of the world***

Fairy tales, old and new, but not necessarily the ones we commonly hear...

Delving deeper into the library, at this point you find a secret passage to a more complete set of fairy tales.


Contemporary books that change people's lifes forever.


Probably the most controversial mystic of this century, his negative image conceals beautiful philosophy and wonderful poetry.

Delving deeper into the library, at this point you find a secret passage to a more complete set of Crowley texts.


A Hebrew form of mysticism, based on speculation about numbers, and the Hebrew alphabet. It is lately gaining popularity in the world, even with celebrities such as Madonna. It is very complicated, but as far as I could understand, much truth lies in here. Check out for yourself.


Who said that libraries only had books? Not mine for sure.


The most sublime form of wording.

Delving deeper into the library, at this point you find a secret passage to a more complete set of poems.